This chapter presents Antonio Moresco, an Italian author whose work has long been animated by a true social and political engagement. Today, in addition to being recognized as one of the main writers who moves beyond post-modernity – Saviano called him “a literary heritage” – he is also an important cultural activist. His work is always, in its own way, insurrectional. It reveals a constant and urgent tension between, on the one hand, a society that often imprisons us and, on the other, new ways of understanding ourselves and envisioning life. When society seems to give up on us, Moresco urges us to keep a “feeble light” within ourselves. It is the light of an alternative reason, of vision and hope. The proposed excerpt, from the novel Fiaba d’amore del vecchio pazzo e della meravigliosa ragazza morta, is an outlook on love that gives space to the reinvention of life and the world. It is “a contemporary fairy tale: sweet and cruel, deeply within life, wonderfully beyond death.”