It is a Wednesday morning: January 8, 2020 and the date of this class is important because the vignette below is taking place before participants know the final resolution of a key historical event. Today is the third day of a 5-day learning segment/unit plan dealing with the Impeachment of President Trump in Mr. Vee's. Mr. Vee teaches seniors in Honors Government; he's been doing this for 24 years. The central feature of the unit is a detailed analysis of President Trump's December 17, 2019 letter to Speaker Pelosi, a public document. There are 27 high achieving, college-bound, students sitting in this 50-minute class in a suburban high school. The walls feature 3 large white boards, a few posters of American historical figures, a huge replica of the US Constitution, a section displaying student-created products, a large poster showing the 16 habits of Mind (Costa & Kallick, 2000), and a US flag. The board behind Mr. Vee's desk features a large K W L chart, partially completed with work from yesterday, and a vocabulary list chosen from the letter.