In this chapter, I evidence the significant contribution to knowledge that this research offers in terms of methodology, theory, outputs, and praxis. I summarise the findings for each of the empirical chapters, offering a list of implications and applications for each. I also provide recommendations for policymakers, academics, and practitioners regarding the impact of language-based discrimination on non-binary people. I emphasise the multiple applications that the theoretical framework of gender and linguistic becomings has to offer to academia, activism, and wider society. I show the multiple benefits of employing research methodologies such as corpus-based research and network visualisation which are rarely used in psychological research. I also urge researchers to consider using these theoretical and methodological developments, as this book can be used as springboard to develop research projects on a variety of intersecting subjects such as sexuality, race, disability, body positivity, etc. – across different cultures, contexts, and languages. I discuss the usefulness and productive capacity of this research for the non-binary community, as multiple forms of non-binary identities, language, and embodiments are represented in this book.