Religious literacy is a content- and skills-based topical knowledge. To clarify the nuances and different approaches to it, Chapter 4 builds on the theoretical review in Chapter 2 with a conceptual analysis of four different conceptions of religious literacy, that of Diane Moore, Stephen Prothero, Robert Jackson, and Siebren Miedema. In introducing religious literacy overall, each conception was analysed with consideration of the institutional and social influences of each scholar to emphasize that religious literacy is context relevant. For example, the conceptions from Moore and Prothero reflect their US context and their background in religious studies. On the other hand, conceptions from Jackson and Miedema reflect the years of established religious education (RE) in the UK and the Netherlands, respectively, in addition to their backgrounds as professors in education. In reviewing the conceptions and positionality, this chapter notes that their conceptions present minimal consideration for non-religious groups and Indigenous spirituality. It concludes by considering the educational implications the four conceptions present as a potential means to foster empathetic attitudes and mutual respect that may address religious bullying, among other valuable skills for our society including critical thinking, in North American public schools.