The Operations Manual includes: general regulations, sometimes known as flight crew orders; aircraft type specific Manuals, also described as Flying or Technical Manuals; type specific Navigation and Performance Manuals; and Training Manuals, both general and aircraft type specific. The instructor will assess the crew’s performance and decision-making, possibly with the help of a video recording, but he will not intervene, nor debrief and give feedback to the crew until the exercise is complete. Rudimentary simulators have been used for the training of crews since the earliest days of flying. From the Link Trainer in widespread use with Allied Air Forces to teach and practise instrument flying and radio navigation, procedures trainers were developed which reproduced the cockpits, controls and instrumentation of specific aircraft types. The advent of wide-bodied aircraft in the 1970s coincided with introduction of Inertial Navigation Systems and the disappearance, for the most part, of the Flight Navigator.