The 'enclosed' was apparently a satirical essay on the misuse of language addressed to a 'Druid', which sufficiently peaked Belknap's curiosity to set him in motion questioning who it could be, and got him off on the track of how people develop 'peculiarities' of speech by 'habit'. Before Hazard closed the letter he reported on a piece of 'intelligence' that 'comes by a vessel which arrived here yesterday from Grenada', respecting French victories in the Caribbean. Shirley's dating system was Old Style, 'beginning the year on Lady Day', the traditional date of the Annunciation, when Gabriel announced the coming birth of Christ to Mary; 'but the newspapers of that period are dated as the people do now, beginning it on 1st January'. Belknap, like Hazard, surrounded himself with the ink of letters and documents. Belknap himself wanted to be published. Hazard was the ideal person from whom to seek advice.