In May 1997, I had a unique opportunity to participate in the tenth session of International School of Theatre Anthropology (ISTA) organized by Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret in Copenhagen. Jerzy Grotowski was one of the participants, amongst many outstanding performers, stage directors, and scholars. I listened to two of his official presentations, the first of which was crowned by an intensive series of questions-answers. I also took part in an intimate meeting between the Master and a group of about ten Polish participants of the 10th session of ISTA. His first performance in the Kannonhallen room on 5 May 1997 was particularly interesting and moving. Grotowski summed up his life achievements there, from the theatrical period to the up to date implementation of the Art as vehicle program, touching practically all the important threads of his creative path as an artist, intellectual, spiritual master, and a modern (postmodern?) prophet.