This chapter focuses on understanding the three goals of the Interpersonal Effectiveness module as articulated by Marsha Linehan. These goals include 1) helping persons become more effective in getting what they want in a relationship and saying “no” to what they don’t want (Objective Effectiveness), 2) maintaining and improving the health and quality of the relationship (Relationship Effectiveness), and 3) not sacrificing their self-respect, dignity, and values while pursing the first two goals (Self-Respect Effectiveness). After understanding the importance of pursuing these three goals, the chapter moves on to understanding the specific skills used in the pursuit of the three goals. Marsha Linehan organizes the skills for each goal with acronyms (DEAR MAN, GIVE, FAST) and this book provides 28 metaphors, stories, and teaching points for each of the skills represented by a letter of the acronyms.