General Sir John Burgoyne commanded about 4600 effective regular soldiers, 2500 of them British, and 1800 Germans, together with the 300 recruits who had recently joined, about 800 Canadians and Tories, and 80 Indians. Learning that a party of rebels, 200 strong, had been seen near the camp, Burgoyne sent Simon Fraser forward to intercept them, but he failed to find them in the dense woods on the heights above the river. The Americans had broken down the bridges across the many creeks and streams which intersected the meadows between the river bank and the heights. The bridges having been repaired, the army renewed its march next day, encamping that night at Swords Farm, unaware that the enemy were only four miles ahead. From Swords Farm a wagon-track led up the heights to the west and across the plateau which was occupied by the advance guard.