On his arrival at Albany, General Sir John Burgoyne was received into his house by Philip Schuyler, who waved aside Burgoyne’s regrets for having burnt his fine mansion at Saratoga. Seven or eight, Burgoyne complained to General Gates, were crowded together in rooms ten feet square, and he and General William Phillips were forced to share a bed in a small, dirty tavern, while their staff slept on the floor. Knowing his man, Burgoyne took the precaution of sending copies of his private letter to his nephew, the Earl of Derby, to prevent Germain from censoring the section which criticized his orders for the campaign. Whether Burgoyne’s defeat rescued the colonists from ‘certain subjection’ is doubtful, for history proves that indigenous people in revolt usually achieve their freedom. At Cambridge, the British troops were quartered on Prospect Hill, and the Germans on Winter Hill, both armies in rough barracks.