The hubris risk factor in this chapter is narcissistic tendencies. It begins with a discussion of the Ancient Greek myth of Echo and Narcissus and the concept of narcissism as it evolved in psychoanalysis, it then explores the idea of how having too much narcissism can be a problem for leaders. Narcissism and leadership are illustrated with an example from UK politics. The differences between narcissism (trait-like intoxication with self) and hubris (state-like intoxication with power) are discussed, as are the differences between Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and hubris syndrome. The role that narcissism plays in leader derailment is examined as are the ways in which narcissism may lead to the emergence of hubris whilst being distinct from it. The chapter concludes with a discussion of how exposure to narcissistic tendencies can be avoided and what the early warning signs of narcissistic tendencies are.