In this chapter, we review the aims of this book. Our work is an effort to contribute to the construction of a better society by developing better schools, improved educational institutions, and responsive educational leaders. We do this by arguing for the development of the “responsive school”: responsive as in responsible, but not in the sense of blame, but responsive in the sense of feeling a sense of ownership, care, compassion, and concern for those who inhabit the communities of which we are a part; responsive, as in a response to the context and challenges we face. If we are to do this, it will take work together by all those who help provide leadership in education—the principal, the teacher leaders who step up to help guide the educational environment, and the students themselves who push for innovation and change. Responsive leaders for responsive schools will provide the push education needs. Responsive leaders will be aware of the instructional culture of their institutions, aware of the connections to the community, and open to growing their understanding of issues in the world in need of attention. The responsive school led by responsive leaders is our answer for a world being impacted by forces destined to be our demise if they go unchecked.