This chapter focuses on bridging the divide between competing approaches such as traditional security-centric aspects and human-centred perspectives on disarmament. This chapter answers to key questions how competing approaches can be converged meaningfully to find a common ground where security for every state is guaranteed and nuclear disarmament goal accomplished. The study holds that without serious and meaningful work in the UN system for proactive security mechanism (offered below) which prove guarantees for states against arbitrary action1 by militarily powerful states, it will not be easy to convince sates to give up nuclear weapons. The divide between supporters of nuclear deterrence (nuclear weapon states – NWS) and disarmament advocates (non-nuclear weapon states – NNWS) can be bridged by creating new security environment. For that purpose, revival of CD to negotiate nuclear disarmament as a part of comprehensive program of work which provides for simultaneous efforts to address non-nuclear military asymmetries, militarization of nuclear technologies, prevention of arms race in outer space, by using the framework offered by the SSOD-I2 will assist in creation of a new security environment to build a new road to disarmament. In parallel, on bilateral and regional basis, states should focus on arms control, nuclear risks reduction, nuclear and missiles confidence building measures (CBMs), code of conduct and norms building for the use of new technologies and resolution of disputes. This parallel, step-by-step approach will help create new security environment and build a new road to nuclear disarmament.