The Empiric mood of the sixteenth century found peculiarly full expression in England. It is no especial merit, since many of the Englishmen most typical of the spirit were true Europeans, and many most hostile to the mood were to be found in England. An intellectual weapon was forged, alone competent to meet the dogmatic suppositions of the French school of Descartes, and of Spinoza, or to meet the German dogmatic schools of Hegel and of his successors, Fascist and Marxist. Professor Lancelot Hogben has said that "English politicians are probably the most expensively uneducated class of people alive at the present day." All Europe today is a gaming-table of Red and Black. Anxiously Marxist and Fascist alike proclaim that there is no Third Way. Spaniards, Chinese, Indians later, are to be thrown into the fray.