This chapter addresses the well-being of such individuals from the mental health point of view ­primarily though the importance of physical and spiritual health is intertwined with it as well. Good sleep is absolutely critical to the well-being and health promotion of individuals. The foundation of subjective well-being is laid down by maintaining a balanced diet which involves not only having food in the right combination and amount but also having sufficient fluid intake for the metabolism of the congested food and the interaction between different organ systems. Physical exercise helps in uplifting one’s mood, promoting physical health, and sharpening cognitive function. An important set of health behaviours that are only beginning to be understood involves processes of relaxation and renewal, the restorative activities that help people reduce and restore their personal balance. Health promotion among the elderly can be fostered by keeping them in control of health-compromising activities such as substance dependence, alcoholism, problem drinking, smoking, and so on.