We believe that it’s time to think differently about innovation. To innovate innovation itself, and the impeller approach offers one way to do it. Impeller innovation is fast because it allows us to start with the solution, not endless problem assessment. It goes straight to the knowledge via the meadow of experts. Those involved don’t have to understand the nature of the problem because they are already deeply familiar with different aspects of that problem. The bee integrates all the various aspects and views to come up with a number of prospective solutions which are then agnostically assessed by an analyst. The analyst doesn’t care how the solution was formulated; their job is to prove or disprove its potential for solving the issue as quickly as possible. That way the proposed solution can fail fast or flourish fast, saving time and money in the innovation process.

There will always be innovation teams inside organisations; the only difference is that their roles may shift slightly and there may be a few new players. Impeller is also unique because the membership and leadership of that team changes as the innovation progresses from initial idea through to commercialisation. Once the novel idea has proved itself, it is passed over to an experienced entrepreneur for successful commercialisation. Faster, better and much more cost effective.