In time, bees are likely to become more common as a result of the influx of Millennials into the workplace, the proliferation of AI, changing work practices and the diversity of the workforce plus the failure of leadership in a post-truth world.

It’s also likely that a few bees are already in your business. Chances are, they are the individuals that annoy you, the ‘weirdos’, corporate mavericks or the outliers that never seem to stick to the plan. The bees are the ones that are always asking questions, pushing back against assumptions and questioning the status quo. This can be irritating for those around them that don’t understand the value this curiosity can yield.

Although there is no set attribute list of an effective bee, because the role itself is still differentiating, we would suggest that most bees possess at least some of these attributes:

Bees are connectors, mavens and ‘salespeople’

Bees are effective communicators

Bees trust their intuition

Bees are completely curious and voracious harvesters of knowledge

Bees are disruptively creative