When most of the text of this book was written, it was still too early to predict what effects membership of the EC would have on Spain and in particular on La Nava de San Miguel. In July 1975 a group of professors of a number of Spanish universities - engineers, architects, geographers and others - presented a carefully worked-out plan for the creation of a National Park of the Sierra de Gredos to the Ministry of Agriculture in Madrid. The Gredos Mountains were not declared a Regional Park at the end of 1990, as had been the original plan of the autonomous government of Castile-León, which decided to take a different tack and promulgated a law of 'The Natural Spaces of the Community of Castile-León' in May 1991 in which the Sierra de Gredos figures at the top of a list of twenty-nine areas to be included in a network of protected lands.