An official list issued early in 1939 gave the names of 138 wards for the tribe. In 1948 the number was only 119, the rest having in the meantime been incorporated into other wards. All but twenty of the wards are located in the tribal capital, Kanye. The others are distributed over sixteen outlying villages, none of which contains more than two. It may be noted that the Kgwatlheng, Tloung, and Tsopye, although admittedly of Kgalagadi origin, are hardly ever referred to by that name, which is considered degrading; they have long been accepted as full members of the tribe, intermarry freely with the ruling community, and speak Tswana only. The people came long ago from “the country of the Rolong”. After living for a while at Macheng in the Kgalagadi District, they made their way east to their present home at Kuwe.