Akokoaso is a village in the Western Akim district of the Central Province of the Gold Coast, and is situate at a road head about 7 miles east of the village of Ofuase, which itself is 22 miles from the town of Akim Oda on the road running north to Ntronang. The farms are practically wholly between 500 and 600 feet above sea level, and deforestation is neither insignificant nor acute. In many ways it presented an approach to the modal cocoa village. The main object was to acquire as complete a cross section as possible of the economy of the village, particularly in relation to the main industry, cocoa. The method of approach for the economic survey was a comprehensive questionnaire applied to every person, with supplementary questionnaires concerning general subjects. The agricultural data were obtained by keeping complete daily records of selected farmers, and the sociological data by keeping a daily diary supplemented by special investigations.