To arrive at exact costs of production and earnings detailed records were kept for the three-year period of the work done by selected farmers. In the first year there were seven farmers owning 134 acres, and in the third year three more were added. These ten farmers owned 55 farms, comprising 192 acres, and of this 65 acres were young cocoa not in bearing and 127 acres were older cocoa in bearing and of various ages. The farmer usually leaves the village by 6.30 a.m. and returns at 3.0 p.m. Allowing half an hour for a light meal and one hour taken up in walking to and from the farm, the number of working hours per day is seven. Every evening the diary was made up in respect of each farmer, showing the farm or farms in which work had been done, the number of wives, children or labourers engaged, and the type of work performed.