In the farms worked by the caretakers 1021 loads worth £379 were produced at the cost of 4127 man-days, giving an average rate of earning of 21.0 pence per day. The analysis is complicated by the fact that four labourers on an annual agreement were put to work during one year in these farms, but the payments made to them by the farmers were not deducted from the remuneration of the caretakers. The total value of the cocoa from these caretakers farms was £379, so that the caretakers’ gross remuneration in their one-third crop-share agreement was £126. Their net return was £15 less than this, or £111, which gives them an average earning per day of 7.2 pence, leaving a net return to the farmers of 13.8 pence per caretaker-day worked. The rate of 20.5 pence per day shown against the annual labourers is obtained by dividing their total remuneration by the number of days worked for the farmers concerned.