Postcolonial is the most recent entrant to achieve prominent visibility in the ranks of those 'post' marked words (seminal among them, postmodernism) that serve as signposts in(to) contemporary cultural criticism. Although intellectuals who hail from one part of that terrain, India, have played a conspicuously prominent role in its formulation and dissemination, the appeals of post-coloniality seem to cut across national, regional, and even political boundaries, which on the surface at least seems to substantiate its claims to globalism. The complicity of postcolonial in hegemony lies in postcolonial-ism's diversion of attention from contemporary problems of the social, the political, and the cultural domination, and in its obfuscation of its own relationship to what is but a condition of its emergence, that is, to a global capitalism that, however fragmented in appearance, serves as the structuring principle of the global relations.