All 'ordinary talak' which are by mutual consent may be registered by any kathi upon payment of the official registration fee. In December 1962 Boyanese husband came before the Court to seek the registration of a divorce from a wife in Bawean; he had been married in Bawean in 1945, and divorced in 1947 with a one-talak divorce. There was one such case in 1962, which ended in the husband agreeing to his wife's request to end the union, and uttering a repudiation formula in Court; the divorce was registered as an ordinary talak. Sometimes the wife petitions for a ta'alik decree, but is unable to produce conclusive proof that her husband has contravened the terms of the ta'alik; at first he contests the application, but when he sees she is determined not to return to him he utters an ordinary talak repudiation.