In this chapter, you will learn many ideas for promoting student choice and voice by having students decide how to show their learning, whether through the use of digital tools or by designing their own demonstration of learning, with or without the need for technology. I will share how I started to encourage students to explore their own unique interests and engage in more personalized and student-driven learning activities that enable them to develop their voice in learning. We will explore how to move students from consumers to instead become creators and leaders in the classroom. While it can feel uncomfortable at first to give up some control in the classroom and step aside, the benefits are tremendous for student learning. Some of the ideas shared will include project-based learning, genius hour, student choice boards, HyperDocs and more options that are focused on having students in the lead. The methods and tools will be applicable to in-person and remote learning and provide a variety of quick ideas to help students develop their language skills and build confidence to take the lead more.