Films are the art form closest to dreams; people have little movies that play in our heads every night. Something like 94% of all screenwriting jobs are assignments for-hire: the producers generate a project they can afford and hire a writer. It’s usually not the other way around where a writer generates a project and then goes looking for people to finance it—especially if it is a big-budget, effects-heavy production featuring unfamiliar characters and worlds. The guy can write and the film would be really cool if he could make it. The project involves many locations, lots of characters, stunts and special effects. It doesn’t cost much to write a screenplay, but a screenplay on its own is nothing remember it’s like writing a symphony but not having an orchestra to perform it. The Hollywood Economist Blogspot estimates that, worldwide, there are 4000–5000 independent features made each year and, of that number, only 2% will be purchased for distribution.