The actor is led to the edge of the garage and, in the next shot, he is lying on the ground, dead. Audiences are sophisticated today, if someone is thrown off the top of a building, they expect to see a stunt man execute the stunt. Film noir found ways to use their shortcomings to their advantage, while many monster movies are laughably bad because they could only afford low-rent costumes and effects. Science fiction films usually conjure up images of intergalactic space battles, gleaming high-tech-looking sets, futuristic costumes and so on. Period films are heavily reliant on wardrobes, sets and locations devoid of glaringly obvious contemporary details. Thrillers and, to some extent, crime/gangster films are frequently a good bet because they are generally driven by complex stories and characters, both of which might be harder than average to write but cost about the same as simple stories and generic characters.