Toryism is a complete and venerable philosophy which, at least in this century, is usually felt to include nationalism as the whole includes the part. Toryism today is able to capitalize for its own benefit national sentiment; but it is not the only political movement which is able to do this and it is not itself merely another name for nationalism. Toryism has its own picture of governmental and social structure, and that picture, where it is unpolluted by Whig commercialism and by jealous individualism, is paternalistic. It assumes a recognized and respected upper class which does its duty in its station towards lesser members of the community. It is true that this Tory loyalism, with its respect for class, broadly understood, and for the standards and morality of a distinctive order, centring on the squire although certainly not limited to him, does not offer that ready road for the promotion of smart ability which the typical Liberal demands.