This topic is very dear to the authors, particularly given the impact that mental health issues and associated crises can have on schools and school communities. Unfortunately, for schools, school districts and systems mental health is an area in which schools are often left to their own devices to resolve with little relevant or qualified external support provided. In society there is no shortage of education experts, and that combined with the cost of public education and educational accountability constantly fuels political thrusts into change agendas. It is also more obvious that change in education is far more common now than it was fifty years ago. Added to this situation is the rapid increase of students with psychological problems that have to be dealt with in mainstream classrooms.

Managing the explosion of the problems of mental health and resilience has become an issue for which most school leaders are poorly prepared, and this chapter breaks new ground for school leaders and administrators. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. (DSM-5) has reflected changes in autism spectrum disorders and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for children, which impacts on schools. We suggest that school leaders should look at how the military handles these acute issues and undertake training that will improve the resilience of staff and students.

This chapter is a “must read” for all school leaders, and the development of resilience trainers in every school is an industrial occupational health and safety issue.