Stefansson provided information to WikiLeaks and Al Jazeera, where investigative journalist James Kleinfeld interviewed local sources in Namibia. Iceland public broadcasting, similar to BBC in the United Kingdom, interviewed the whistleblower and cooperated with Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera journalists spent three months undercover posing as foreign investors looking to exploit the lucrative Namibian fishing industry. The investigation report by Kleinfeld is a documentary television program of 51 minutes accessible at Al Jazeera, YouTube, and other platforms. Al Jazeera exposed public figures close to Namibian President Hage Geingob discussing laundering of political contributions. Posing as Chinese investors, Al Jazeera journalists attempted to enter the Namibian fishing industry to acquire highly lucrative fishing quotas for a proposed joint venture with Namibian fishing company Omualu.erations in Namibia. The briber, Samherji, can neutralize guilt feeling by claiming that they do so much good in Namibia by creating jobs in fisheries and paying taxes to the local government.