The capital of Norway, the city of Oslo, owns several housing facilities that less fortunate inhabitants occupy often on a permanent basis. The municipality has an agency that purchases apartments and other housing facilities for this purpose. In addition, auditing firm Deloitte, who got the task of this additional investigation, had already conducted investigations into procurements of housing facilities for the city of Oslo. In addition, Deloitte finds that the agreement to purchase three parking spaces at NOK 300.000 per place was significantly above market value. Compared to the previous Deloitte report, where the investigators examined several purchases and Oslo Boligbygg paid 13 million, this examination was inexpensive. The recommendations and measures that Deloitte concludes are in accordance with the mandate they have worked according to, and they provide relevant recommendations to Boligbygg. Stein Ove Songstad was the responsible partner at Deloitte for both the previous and the current investigations.