People’s experiences can be significantly shaped by their identities and cultural backgrounds. Judgment from others, multigenerational trauma, and discrimination have an impact on mental wellbeing. Experiencing microaggressions or discrimination based on cultural identity has a compounding effect on what a new parent is already going through. Chapter 11 addresses how the need for belonging is innate but judgment and discrimination can create feelings of disconnection. Research shows that women of color, single women, and lesbian parents are more at risk for perinatal mood symptoms. They can experience additional stressors and less available culturally competent professional support. Readers explore what messages about mental health they learned in their community and whether or not they learned it was ok to receive help for mental health issues. The importance of finding community is highlighted, and how cultural identity, rituals, and connection to others can be empowering. Activities include prompting readers to explore their various identities, and how these impact parenting. Readers further explore through activities how they may have been judged or misunderstood based on their cultural background or identity, and how again this may impact them in parenthood. Readers are encouraged to name aspects of their parenting of which they are proud.