Mothers who have a child in the Neonatal ICU are 40% more likely to experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, and trauma. There are similar findings with parents who have children with a disability, or babies with medical, developmental, or physical issues. Chapter 14 specifically addresses the special population of parents who have additional daily challenges from parenting children with medical issues. Readers explore the impact this experience has had on them including traumatic reactions. They are provided with self-soothing activities to help them manage symptoms. Since guilt and loss of control are common, readers are guided to focus on small changes to feel less responsible and more empowered. Activities in the chapter include exploring how their stressors can impact their mental health and relationships. Because support is crucial, parents are encouraged to enhance their support team with support groups and other parents of children with similar issues. The reader is also encouraged to feel like a crucial part of the medical team and speak up with questions and concerns. Because these parents have specific needs and challenging daily lives, activities are aimed to help them learn how to care for themselves in addition to their baby.