Uncertainty is awful. This chapter helps our readers identify specifically what they are feeling and clarifies what they need to work on. In Chapter 4 we provide the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) which screens for depression symptoms in perinatal and postpartum women. We also provide the Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS) which is specifically for anxiety and assesses all the various ways these symptoms can manifest. It is recommended they take these screenings approximately once a month or more to track their progress. The reader is also encouraged at this stage to consider one person they can confide in to start building their support team. The last part of the chapter focuses on risk factors for Perinatal Mood Disorders so the reader has a better idea of why they may be experiencing these symptoms. Having a better understanding of the risk factors that may have contributed to their emotional distress helps to take the blame off them, allows them to make better sense of what they are feeling, and provides hope in getting better. Knowledge is power and we empower our readers.