Attachment between a parent and baby is important and creates the foundation for much of the baby’s life. In this chapter, we highlight that our readers are addressing their symptoms and are actively and positively working on promoting secure attachment with their babies. Whether the reader is struggling to find connection with their biological or adopted baby, is struggling with their mood, or is struggling with their own baggage from how they were parented, they will find support and skills in this chapter. There are case examples and activities that help the reader acknowledge some of what she is already doing to connect with her baby. Other activities include ideas to promote secure attachment and connection. Women with untreated perinatal mood disorders can struggle with their connection with their babies and this can negatively impact connectivity, bonding, and attachment. However, the majority of mothers do well in managing this by being what researchers call a “good enough mother”, addressing the baby’s needs and tuning in to their cues. The reader is gently reminded that a feeling of disconnection to the baby is not uncommon, and they are not alone.