This chapter details a study that uses a qualitative methods approach including semi-structured face-to-face interviews and document analysis as policy is a discourse (Ball, 1994) against the backdrop of the conceptual framework in which the study is situated. The conceptual framework includes two theoretical approaches: Critical Whiteness Studies (CWS) and Critical Race Theory (CRT). In this section, the details of the participant recruitment process for the purpose of the interviews, the specificities of the confidentiality agreement, and informed consent that each participant was provided with shall be discussed. The rationale for semi-structured interviews and a document analysis to situate the research is that semi-structured interviews provide insight to the perspectives of Ontario teachers in relation to equity and inclusion policies relating to the teacher diversity gap. The duality of both qualitative methods allows for a better understanding of the social, political, economic, and power relations that lead to the formation of equity and inclusive policies. The interviews were meant to provide an open-ended dialogue about the participant’s own unique and individual experiences and perspectives of teacher diversity and equity and inclusion policy enactment.