The specifics of the particular I-subject are pinned down in three moments. Configuration: the I-subject is born from nothing, through interactions between genetics and the environment that make an I-subject exist as that I-subject, giving each one their own configuration. The basic idea is that, before this, the I-subject does not exist. Only the encounter between an ovum and a spermatozoon makes one exist. The author does not believe that the I-subject is pre-existing. It comes into the world from nothing, through genetics and the environment, which cause it to exist as that I-subject. We are aware that to speak of genetics and the environment is a dichotomy, as it would be more correct to speak of their inter-organization. But it is useful from a didactic point of view as it helps to understand the variables that affect the configuration of the I-subject. The basic idea is that, prior to that specific configuration, the I-subject did not exist. Only the fecund meeting of the ovum and the spermatozoon cause it to exist. The single I-subject exists in the time that belongs to it through the configuration it receives.