The active collaboration of Sun Yatsen and Robert Wilcox together in Honolulu in late 1894 in revolutionary plans for China lasted no longer than two months; it may have lasted less than a month, even a matter of weeks. Consequently, the author have narrowed scope of this chapter to a study of Robert Wilcox’s formative political ideas and experiences, derived from the two countries closest to his heart. The initial plan for their long-term foreign education was to introduce them to military academies in Germany, hence Moreno’s visit there with James Booth and Robert Boyd. Wilcox’s subsequent activities and public statements in Hawai‘i would demonstrate that his mind was fired during these years of study in Italy by the example of great military men and their feats of arms. The new Liberal Party of Bush and Wilcox did well at the February 1892 election, yet did not gain enough representatives and nobles to form a majority block in the legislature.