E.C. Crick’s first named appearance in modern Sun Yatsen studies was in two footnotes to Professor Zvi Schiffrin’s ground-breaking 1968 study of the first decade of Sun’s revolutionary career, Sun Yat-sen and the Origins of the Chinese Revolution. Four key facts are offered about this ‘Englishman’ called Crick: his surname; his nationality; his deportation from the ‘Sandwich Islands’, and ‘his complicity in the political troubles there’. The most reliable evidence currently available points towards Edward Clarence Crick being born on 24 March 1863 on the Caribbean Island of Barbados, a colony of the British-governed West Indies. Demerara’s primary economic association then as now is with sugar, the manufactured finished product of the large and widespread sugarcane plantations growing across the fertile Caribbean. Crick immediately went to work for the Makee Sugar Company on its large sugar plantation near the coastal settlement of Kealia, on Kauai, one of the outer and least developed Hawaiian Islands.