This book is written in the grammatical third person to maintain some analytical distance between the author and the subject. But all along I have thought that some personal perspective might be useful to round out the point. That’s what I provide here in the form of a postscript. One afternoon in summer 1998, my then 13-year-old daughter, Boma, and I went to a movie rental store in Birmingham (USA) to rent the film “Amadeus.” I had always wanted to watch it since it was released in 1984, with critical acclaim and box office success. That I didn’t probably had something to do with the fact that it was the same year that I completed my doctoral studies and made the transition to a career in academia. For reasons I don’t readily recall—probably something from a conversation with my daughter about her class discussions—I decided to rent and watch “Amadeus” that summer, 14 years after its release.