This chapter introduces the Multiple and Multi-Layered Stakeholder Framework (MMSF) as the preferred governance approach at World Heritage Sites (WHS). To unpack MMSF, heritage governance approaches from pre-colonial to the present times in Africa are systematically analyzed. A shift from the inclusive and community-driven governance approaches of pre-colonial societies to that of exclusion, birthed during colonialism and remains enforced in the present times, is noted. In order to move towards inclusive heritage governance framework at WHS, the stakeholder management theory and its application in the global-local nexus of WHS is explored. The chapter concludes that the proposed MMSF, referring to the many and overlaid stakeholders with multiple interests at WHS and operating at different levels of governance structures, has the potential to promote an inclusive local-global governance nexus at WHS in Africa. It denotes the multivocality, complexity, and nature of stakeholders that needs empirical testing at WHS in this study.