This chapter presents an approach to monitoring and assessing candidates’ progress towards competent teaching through key assessments focused on the application of academic knowledge to practice. Key assessments are conducted in the context of coursework and clinical experiences that are interrelated and developmentally sequenced. Candidates’ learning in courses and clinical experiences is facilitated by epistemic practices that support the actions, routines, and habits of mind essential for competent teaching. Each key assessment involves observation or participation in an authentic context, documentation that includes evidence and artifacts, analysis and interpretation of data, and a written commentary based on findings from data collection interpreted through the lens of academic knowledge from coursework. The rubric for scoring key assessments consists of four levels, unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, and distinguished. Scoring key assessments is focused on candidates’ ability to follow the protocol, adequately analyze and interpret data, and apply findings from data analysis to practice in the written commentary. Each key assessment is scored by at least two individuals, teacher educators or practitioners, who have been trained and calibrated.