This chapter introduces the methodological approach for the research presented in the book. Using a combination of phenomenological concepts, such as fateful moments, turning points and trajectories, along with social psychological theories, we explore new ways of thinking about engagement, disengagement, deradicalization and identity. Methodological issues and the extensive use of a biographical approach to individuals’ narratives of the self are also discussed in this chapter. Methodologically, the focus will be on trajectories into and out of the neo-Nazi movement. The research strategy is explained in this chapter. Methodologically, the study focuses on certain turning points—as explained by the informants—and on how identity is further developed and restructured in relation to significant others, societal norms and psychological and policy-oriented ideas of how a ‘sound and healthy’ disengagement process ought to evolve. This chapter also discusses how to theorize and make sense of the individual’s commitment and ideological conviction in the neo-Nazi cause.