There is complete disagreement about Freud’s theory of the libido, and Jung is still President of the IPA and Director of the Jahrbuch. In 1912, as the situation involving Jung worsens, the Secret Committee comes into being. Freud always considered Thalassa, in which Ferenczi expounds his genitality theory, his colleague's most accomplished work, and always associated him with this contribution, despite Ferenczi's vehement protests. It seems that Ferenczi believes once again that collaboration with Freud on common projects is possible, despite his painful experience in Palermo in 1910, when this type of collaboration had seemed impossible. The actual analysis that took place in three segments conducted in 1914 and 1916 was followed by immediate aftermath effects throughout 1917. In September 1918, the fifth International Psychoanalytic Congress was a true consecration for Ferenczi.