Chapter 11 focuses on height phobia (acrophobia) and how virtual reality (VR) can be useful in treating this anxiety disorder. The chapter explains how height phobia fits the cycle of anxiety (presented in Chapter 2) by reviewing the anxiety triggers, anxiety sensations, fears, and fear-motivated actions that are commonly found in fear of heights. Differential diagnosis and frequent comorbidities are discussed. Various applications of VR are presented, focusing on how VR can help break the client’s anxiety cycle at each point. The use of VR for individualized exposure, called virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET), is described. VRET is described in detail in Chapter 4. Self-help VR apps for height phobia may be an early intervention or be used adjunctively to support treatment. Suggestions are given on how to respond to three frequently encountered treatment challenges. Two case examples illustrate the applications of VR. The chapter closes with an overview of the research on VR therapy for height phobia.