Chapter 17 discusses virtual reality therapy (VRT) for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and illness anxiety disorder. The chapter begins by exploring the triggers or factors that can predispose clients to develop these disorders, and the common sensations, fears, and fear-based actions frequently reported which create a vicious cycle of anxiety. The anxiety cycle model is described in detail in Chapter 2. Readers are introduced to a variety of VRT interventions, including but not limited to virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET), to reduce triggers, cope with sensations, counter fears, and change client actions associated with GAD, OCD, or illness anxiety disorder. For a more in-depth explanation of VRT and VRET in general, see Chapters 3 and 4. Examples include using virtual reality (VR) to provide exposure and response prevention (ERP) when treating OCD symptoms such as fear of germs and compulsive washing and cleaning, hyperreponsibility, compulsive checking, obsessional OCD, or compulsive ordering. Treatment challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic or by clients’ risk aversion are addressed. The chapter ends with a case example for each of the three disorders and a summary of the evidence base for using VR with these disorders.