The media over-represent “expertise” because the media are focused on sensation and not the mundane. The meaning in life we pursue should not be about being “perfect” by anyone’s standards. The media tend to over-accentuate this, highlighting “perfect 10s” in competitions and a “perfect business strategy” or performance. Perfectionism is the search for the final 20 percent, that final millisecond, that really makes no difference to the meaning of people life. The search for meaning in perfection causes massive procrastination from people who aren’t ready to let go until they have everything perfect. Is that about the best swimmer, or the longest swimmer, or the most finger dexterity, or slight imperfections in the responsiveness of the equipment? There have been fantastic movies, plays, speeches, contributions of all sorts that have been lost in the noise from some record being broken or some personality being hoisted as the new poster person.