In this chapter, one of this book’s key topics—viewing male gender identity as a developmental trajectory, rather than as inborn and static—is discussed in depth. The concept of the male ego ideal and its changing scope over time is examined, along with the value of healthy masculine sexuality in all its facets. In striving to achieve the ego ideal, a man gains access to receptivity and other so-called typically feminine traits residing deep within the male interior. These traits are present from the onset of life as what I term the proto-genital masculine essence, which I describe as a basic aspect of the genital position. Through accessing this interiorized realm whereby inside and outside are linked in relationship, gender fluidity in the psyche—psychic bigenderality—increases, which contributes significantly to maturing masculinity. Also in this chapter, I explore the particular challenges and developmental opportunities faced by men in mid- and later life and how these impact their gender identity and sexuality. The applicability of these ideas is illustrated by a detailed clinical vignette describing the treatment of a man struggling with a depressive crisis in midlife.