This chapter carries forward the exploration of culture so as to curate, customize, and combine its essence with the cult of commerce. The chapter lays down the theoretical fulcrum of the book as it is dedicated to the discussion of theories pertaining to cultures and societies that were advanced from time to time to develop intercultural management scholarship by enriching it with the learnings derived from large strands of empirical work. The literature reviewed in this chapter includes theories propounded by prominent scholars like Hofstede, Hall, Trompenaars, Kluckhohn, and Strodbeck to name a few. The chapter discusses these landmark culture studies decomplexifying their textual volumes by recreating their salient learnings in the form of an aggregate list of pointers that can act as management enablers for global communicators. Cultural dimensions are extracted from these theories to construct the lists of their proliferation into the business routines of managerial leaders. Each theory is analyzed in detail and then their key conclusions are transferred to the commercial environments explaining how they are likely to impact business transactions. These lists explain the implications of each cultural dimension for cross-cultural discourse productions. This chapter acts as a foundation for the entire book as other chapters are the practical extensions of the cardinal cultural dimensions laid out in this chapter for variegated business situations.