The chapter sketches communication profiling for various countries that form the primary markets for business and figure on the travel itineraries of most of the global business leaders. The countries listed in this chapter include Japan, China, USA, UK, Germany, France, UAE, Israel, Thailand, etc.. The chapter ends with a bonus note on countries divided by a common language – the differences in the use of English as practiced by countries with English as their L1 (native/national language). The chapter records the communication divergences that mark the intercultural communication practices even when all the interactants belonging to multifarious countries use English either as L1 (English as their first language) or as L2 (English as their second language). Hence, though English acts as a global network language, taking the form of BELF – business English as the lingua franca, it is interesting to note as to how one's native culturally evolved and conditioned communication psychology ruptures language borders in order to permeate, infuse, and finally configure the communication codes complexifying business speech textures.